Tag Archive: facebook

700 million is approaching fast, but still a small fraction of the world.

149 million in the US is still under 50%. How much more can they grow?

Social media is growing up fast. No longer a niche plaything of the digerati, social media is firmly entrenched as a societal game changer of historical importance. For many, social media and social networking are so ubiquitous and pervasive that we presume we have it figured out, that we have a finger firmly on the pulse. But we don’t. Data about how social media really works, who uses it and how, continues to surprise.

The Social Habit 2011 by Edison Research.pdf page 28 of 53 9 Surprising New Facts About Social Media in America 5. Super Socials Love Twitter
Partially an explanation of Twitter’s popularity and role in the culture despite it’s relatively small user base, 23% of the “super socials” use Twitter, which is almost triple the rate of Americans overall. (98% of super socials use Facebook, and 45% use MySpace)

Read more at www.convinceandconvert.com


“Users who want to migrate from a traditional Facebook Profile to a Facebook Page might want to think twice, or even thrice, before making the leap. The new tool is intended to help brands, local business, organizations or public figures create a new Facebook page while still bringing their friends (ie, fans) along with them.”

Yesterday, Facebook discreetly rolled out two Page updates that will affect your ability to grow your fan base and interact with your fans using the Facebook platform.

Merge/Unmerge Places and Pages:

Suggest to Friends:

The search engines are tracking what gets tweeted and “liked” on Facebook.

Do you like search results with friend connections?

So What Does Work?

Promotions and Consistent, Lightweight Engagement

Make sure your fans get something in return for liking your page with promotions likes offers for fans that they can easily redeem. The more lucrative the deals offer, the more sharing with friends with happen. Fans want things like exclusive products/services, drastically discounted prices akin to Groupon type deals, and early notification and registration for upcoming events, ideally exclusive to fans. Promotions should make the fan feel like they are a brand insider, not just a standard consumer.

A big secret of Facebook marketing is that it is easy and cheap to drive promotions using ads targeted only at your fans that link to landing tabs that deliver the offer and encourage fans to share to their newsfeed.

A brand on Facebook should be like a casual friend or neighbor and not try to suck people into heavy levels of interaction. What do you do with a friend? Comment on their photos, like their status, vote on their outfit. These types of interactions take seconds, not minutes, and definitely not hours.

A brand on Facebook should offer their users regularly updated, simple to interact with engagement features. Each of the engagement apps should be fully branded, and run in a separate tab with traffic driven from wall posts, newsfeed and Facebook ad units to increase engagement. Start with a personality quiz. Then two weeks later put up a poll. Then try a trivia app. For special events, put up a gifting app for Valentine’s Day, or for the holiday season, a holiday song card.

Some brands, like media properties and well-known consumer brands, get an immediate fan base for this type of lightweight engagement. For the rest, building a fan base on Facebook is no different than building a mailing list in the previous generation of the Internet. It takes consistent engagement, and builds over time.

Methods to accelerate growth include tying Facebook ad campaigns with engagement apps and driving traffic from the homepage. The apps should still be lightweight and fun, with the conversion goal of getting the user to like the brand.

The point is to regularly put up new, fresh engagement features that are easy and fun for users to interact with, that they will want to post to their wall and share with their friends. Then users will interact with your brand just like they interact with their friends on Facebook!

Amplify’d from www.readwriteweb.com

First, deep campaigns don’t work. Digital agencies love deep, expensive campaigns on Facebook, with tons of pages, interaction, and art. It fits in with how agencies build microsites and websites, and justifies the $100,000-plus price tag that they like to charge. Examples include lightweight games, prediction contests, treasure hunts where you include friends, and such. Unfortunately for agencies and the brands that drop a lot of cash, Facebook users decidedly don’t like deep campaigns.

Facebook users are very sophisticated, and there is no way a single campaign is going to compete on game mechanics with CityVille. If you want to build CityVille, it might work. But, even Netflix pulled their Facebook app. You’re better off putting up a bunch of funny videos from around the world and leave it at that.

Read more at www.readwriteweb.com


Finally, a trailing report on whether suggesting social media for your company will get you fired.

Study shows that INC 500 companies use social media (which could mean anything) and they report that they will keep doing it.

Another chart we can throw on a slide for the next seminar session where someone asks “How can I convince my boss that social media is worthwhile?”

(my standard answer.. If you boss isn’t begging you to do more social media, you need to spend more time on LinkedIn.com.. looking of a new job)

How Big is the Internet?

Newest stats compiled by Pingdom.

Amplify’d from royal.pingdom.com
  • 152 million – The number of blogs on the Internet (as tracked by BlogPulse).
  • 25 billion – Number of sent tweets on Twitter in 2010
  • 100 million – New accounts added on Twitter in 2010
  • 175 million – People on Twitter as of September 2010
  • 7.7 million – People following @ladygaga (Lady Gaga, Twitter’s most followed user).
  • 600 million – People on Facebook at the end of 2010.
  • 250 million – New people on Facebook in 2010.
  • 30 billion – Pieces of content (links, notes, photos, etc.) shared on Facebook per month.
  • 70% – Share of Facebook’s user base located outside the United States.
  • 20 million – The number of Facebook apps installed each day.

Read more at royal.pingdom.com


this is not my status update :)

I love to share, show appreciation and get a discussion going, so I try to answer anyone who reaches out to me through any medium.

You can get my attention by putting addressing a question to me, or including me in a relevant conversation.

It’s parties. You want to talk to someone, so you get their attention and talk.

But if you go into a room and yell “LOOK AT ME” you are annoying.

@MariSmith shared some tips to use tagging on Facebook

Amplify’d from www.marismith.com
Facebook @ tagging
Do use @ tagging:
  • To acknowledge and give credit.
  • To provide attribution for content you share.
  • To show appreciation.
  • To help promote other fan pages.
  • To cross-reference other fan pages, assuming there is no conflict of interests.
  • To @ tag your own page strategically (e.g. by way of a signature when making wall posts).
Do not use @ tagging:
  • As a way to “poach” fans from other pages that offer the same/similar service as you do to the same/similar target audience.
  • As a way to post your own affiliate link on the wall of the affiliate program owner’s fan page.
  • As a way to get someone’s attention for self-serving reasons.
  • As a way to “imply endorsement” by that person/page.

Read more at www.marismith.com